
SEITAI listen your each body's voice, not common knowledge

Everybody is different. Each body has individuality. Each disorder has different cause, because of our individuality. Then, how could common knowledge help your special disorder?

I said that SEITAI way of life is to live naturally.
It doesn't mean "Let's go back to the primitive age!"

Please don't misunderstand. It may not speak by language, "Hey! eat it now. (I'm your guidian angel, believe me..)" no.
Just you may feel that you want to eat it. This is our inner wisdom. nature.

We are accustomed not to listen our natural desire in social life. We started to trust information from others more than our own feeling. You can't recognize which is inner wisdom? which is whisper of bad habit?

But (good news) even your thought doesn't know it, body knows.
SEITAI therapist can ask  your body to show body's request. And just help them to go back to their original nature.
Moreover, once you notice body's voice, it will become louder. There was inside of you!

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