

Hello this is toyoji !! I start Hiroe seitai treatments and exercises in Italy. basically around Milan. but I plan to go other province to open Hiroe seitai exercises work shop. These exercises seem simple but effective.Because you need to bring much awareness for your movement, angle of joints, and  focus on your center. With Hiroe seitai treatment and exercises, you will be not only patient but also practitioner. This is very important to point to solve your problems.If you always depend on something like medicine, treatment from the other, your original healing energy will not active fully. Your great healing energy become lazy. Hiroe seitai treatment will help to activate your spontenious healing energy, and the exercises become great tool to maintain that energy.
for more infomation please check face book- hiroeseitai  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hiroe-Seitai/158778417487974?v=info

1 comment:

  1. Yes,SEITAI exercises is very important and really effective, because it is focused to necessary point for your individual case. It is not general exercise for everybody else, nor building outer muscles nor shape. Prectitioner can choose your needed exercises and see if it is working for client's problem.
