
To keep good shape of the body !! - metabolic syndrome and Pelvis. SEITAI view point

Metabolic syndrome is -  simply to say that the obesity(fatness) of internal organs  which come from high blood sugar level, high blood presser, high fatty blood. This disorder of metabolism damage circulation system. It's could cause of obesity,diabetes,heart disease,cerebral accident(stroke).  
The main reason of  metabolic syndrome is considered high fatty diet and lack of exercise.

This disorder of metabolism is close relation with movement of pelvis. The movement of pelvis need proper strength of inner muscles and balance with outer muscles(surface muscles).Inner muscle is pull up the parts of the body to the center. Theses muscles are exist around joints and deep layer of the body.It's means build up strength  of centralization. Pelvis is move periodically. Inner muscles are difficult to be make strength with machine training like.
Most effective way to develop inner muscle is exercises which you use balance of the body. The pelvis is formed with sacrum, iliac born and coccyx. Sacrum and iliac born are jointed with strong ligament.This is called articulatio sacroiliaca(sacrum iliac joint).The inner muscle,iliopsoas muscle( iliac born and lumber muscle) cover this sacrum iliac joint and support periodic movement of pelvis.  This is important movement for menstruation, elimination,and digestion. Because as you see that location of pelvis hold sexual organs, intestine,even connect with spine. These Physiologic function effect to circulation system as well.
Outer muscle( surface muscles) and inner muscle is support smooth closing and opening movement  of joints.
It's sacrum iliac joint also.
But now a days, generally people work on the desk without much movement, or using only part of the body, and many of exercises doesn't use whole part of the body and balance. Then only outer muscle is used.  It cause of stiffness of the pelvis, and shape of pelvis run outward and the muscle dull out.
Therefor the body can not keep good shape toward the center,and lose the strength of balance.
If you really want to good shape of body, physiologic function  and  real strength of the body, you need to work inner muscle, and keep smooth movement of the pelvis. 


Purpose of SEITAI exercises

You may know that some kind of exercises is good to keep your health.
 But do you know which exercises useful is for your problems?

 When we have disorder, often we find the spot or area which doesn't move well , painful or block.
 SEITAI exercise is clearly purposeful to solve patucular problem.
SEITAI exercise focalizes on the point which caused for disorder, and arouse the power to take the obstacle away.
 Even if we don't know the cause of disorder, SEITAI basic exercises release  tension of  all over the body.
 Then the point which cause of disorder will appear. You will be able to feel that point.

 By specific movement of the arms and legs we can stimulate almost  parts of  the body.  But actually the movements of arms and legs need to come from center of the body.  It is not only local movement.
 Then it can activate  healing power even more than treatment.


TANDEN the body center

Our body mechanism is integrated  with function of each cells.The cell also has center. It's nucleus. and the nucleus contain genic information DNA.  ''TANDEN'', the center of the body also have a lot of information of our being. Small cells create a human being. The key of organization is nucleus. So Tanden is our organizer of the body.  We need to follow the Tanden, we need to aware our intuition. not through. This is the way of  living with the nature.
''TANDEN'' is the spot where the body's strength centralized in. So when we move each part of the body, the movements should come from ''TANDEN'' the body center. The center and part is not separated. The fulcrum of  movements is the body center. but often we use the body partially and unequally. It causes unbalance of tension and looseness of the particular parts of body. and  that unbalance will make the center stiff and weak.
Because, the muscles of center line(muscles around spine) are strain by unnatural movement of local limbs, then get stiff, but after the muscles of center line and the center give up and loose the strength to hole central balance. it interferes function of the spine and ''TANDEN''. The central power split and escape to periphery.
Therefore when we do SEITAI exercises ,we should aware the body center and center line.
Otherwise symptoms just move to other parts,then problem may return.


The passage of vital energy from periphery to center

The vital energy, called Ki is essential life power of live. Also, it is inherent healing power for recover from disorder. Until we die, everyone has the vital energy more or less. but often the energy flow is blocked or weakened at some parts of  the body by various reasons. It causes disorder.
For smooth flow of  the vital energy, symmetry of  the body shape is not necessary,nor too much strong muscle, nor too much flexible joints.
But it is important to have good balance of whole body. To find fine and right balance is not so easy. It is necessary to aware  the center of the body.  When the center is stable, the body can adjust automatically. then the passage of energy from periphery to center will open.
As a result, blockages that even we didn't notice dissolve, and  the vital energy comes back.
This is why that only centering exercise without movement like meditation or breathing exercise works for healing.  We can use this awareness of  the center in a daily life. Even there is disorder of some part of body, the central nervous system working well, then we don't need suffer so much.

The center

We share the one center. It is center of mother earth. because Our physical body attached gravity of the Earth. At the same time, we have own center in our physical body. It is important to connect own center and center of the Earth. but if you don't have enough awareness of your center? if your body center is distorted?  Our body center is one end of the rope connecting with  the Earth, nature. When our center doesn't have enough strength to connect with the center of the Earth. We miss the sense to live naturally.The purpose of  HIROE SEITAI method is to live naturally. Harmony and balance with the nature, the Earth, universe and  natural balance within the body .

SEITAI exercise and treatment need to aware center of the body. With that awareness, you will have right effect and balance of your body.
Also, if we have center awareness in daily life, our movement will be more smooth,and easier,and we can be follow the any kind of phenomenon. It mean, ''everything go to be all right''.
This center called ''Tanden'' in Japanese. It means field of energy, source of energy. 
We also have the center line. It is spine. These center(center line) make balance of our body,and support physiological function.
 We can not see the center of the body, but we can feel the center. It is not notional. It is real existence. Now we know that the air,electricity and radioactivity.. exist, but we had not recognized those long long time.
SEITAI method able to locate the center clearly and activate energy of center.

The center(and  center line) of the body have very close connection with pelvis. When the pelvis doesn't have right angle, the center of the body is distorted. and anatomically spine will not keep right shape to maintain our body properly. and after whole, lower part of the body also will strain.  This chain reaction could happen from lower joint (ankle, joint of toe) to pelvis, spine and shoulder blade,or from the arms to spine and pelvis... It could happen from multiple direction.
 However,when pelvis become right angle and position, the energy of center start to activate well. Then the effect will be spread hole part of body to adjust and heal.
This is our spontaneous healing energy.



 HIROE  SEITAI,  metodo di autoguarigione

Cura te stesso con la tua energia vitale interiore

SEITAI è un pratico ed efficace metodo di guarigione con una lunga tradizione in Giappone.
Il fondatore è stato HARUCHIKA NOGUCHI (1911 - 1976) 
Nei Paesi occidentali il nome SEITAI è quasi sconosciuto. La parola SEITAI significa letteralmente "correzione del corpo".
In molti posti il SEITAI è conosciuto come KATSUGEN UNDO & YUKI, questi termini definiscono solo la parte del SEITAI che si riferisce alla cura della salute in generale.
Il SEITAI integra metodo di autoguarigione, particolari tecniche manuali, lavoro sull'energia, esercizi fisici, metodi di respirazione,
guida all'autotrattamento e diagnosi dal punto di vista del SEITAI considerando anche aspetti psicologici e dello stile di vita.
Il SEITAI non cura solo i sintomi, ma anche le cause dei sintomi.
Il SEITAI individua e rimuove i blocchi che sono responsabili di disordini e disequilibri.
I blocchi possono essere sottili energie pressochè inconsistenti ma più spesso i blocchi consistono in veri e propri nodi di stagnazione.
Quando il blocco viene rimosso vengono risvegliate le nostre spontanee energie di autoguarigione.
Così il nostro sistema nervoso si ringiovanisce, la circolazione sanguigna fluisce in modo adeguato,
e recuperiamo le adeguate funzioni dei nostri organi, delle nostre articolazioni, e dei nostri muscoli.
In questo modo rivitalizziamo l'intero nostro corpo e la nostra mente.
Prima del trattamento, la persona che lo riceve, deve aver già digerito il suo ultimo pasto e non dev'essere ubriaca.
Colui che riceve il trattamento dev'essere vestito con abiti comodi e leggeri,
per esempio i pantaloni di una tuta da ginnastica e una maglietta, preferibilmente di cotone o altri materiali naturali.
Il trattamento inizia con semplici domande sulle malattie e infortuni presenti o occorsi in passato alla persona che riceve il trattamento.
Dopodichè l'operatore fa una stima della postura, dei movimenti, del colorito della pelle, e altri indicatori di salute.
L'operatore, quindi, esegue una manipolazione manuale per individuare le aree da trattare,
che sono quelle in cui si sono verificati dei blocchi dell'energia vitale.
Il SEITAI non fa uso di un'eccessiva manipolazione delle osse e delle articolazioni.
Al termine del trattamento l'operatore consiglia dei rimedi da adottare, illustra degli esercizi fisici da fare a casa
e spiega alcuni metodi di autoguarigione.
Attraverso gli esercizi fisici, la persona che riceve il trattamento SEITAI, diviene un praticante che sviluppa
una nuova coscienza del proprio stato di benessere fisico, mentale e spirituale e una consapevolezza del proprio equilibrio fisico, della propria postura
e dei propri movimenti, adeguandoli in modo tale da correggerli favorendo così il processo di autoguarigione.
Evitare movimenti eccessivi subito dopo il trattamento.
Sedersi o sdraiarsi qualche istante dopo il trattamento per consentire gli effetti del trattamento.
Non fare bagni caldi o bere alcolici perchè questo vanificherebbe l'efficacia del trattamento. Una doccia veloce è consentita.
Dormire in un letto comodo e per un tempo sufficiente la notte successiva al trattamento. Il processo di autoguarigione agisce durante il sonno.
Il processo di autoguarigione continua per alcuni giorni, quindi si raccomanda di rimanere presenti a se stessi.
Dolori muscolari, insensibilità degli arti o del viso, debolezza, mancanza di flessibilità dei movimenti, paralisi, disfunzioni degli arti,
artrite, e dolori articolari.
Sensazione di affaticamento, senso di svogliatezza, gonfiori, edemi, eccessiva sensibilità al freddo, disturbi cronici, disfunzioni degli organi interni,
disturbi dovuti a uno scorretto stile di vita.
Stress da eccessivo carico di lavoro, sovrappeso, letargia, disturbi femminili, cefalea, dolori delle mascelle, otiti.