
General direction for SEITAI exercises 2

[when, where, how many times, how much often]

SEITAI exercise is very effective, effect is instant, if you do it exactly.
Whenever you don’t feel well, do your exercises only a few times no matter where.
You don’t need to take hours to do SEITAI exercises.
If you want quick progress of curing, do exercises shortly and more often.
Even if your life is too busy to do something special for health care,  you must  have 5 minutes before uprising in the morning and after going to bed until falling to sleep in the end of the day.
Please try to do exercises at least once in a day, morning or night.
If you do twice, it is better.

Many SEITAI exercises are possible to do on the bed. If your bed is too soft to get right posture, a pillow under lower back may be helpful, or just simply, find space on the floor.
Even if you have  much free time to do exercise in the daytime, anyway do it for a few minutes before getting up from the bed. It is very effective to refresh yourself.( Also you will be free from ‘duty’ to do exercise as routine.)
And of course, you can do whenever you want.
I suggest to do the exercises those are with standing or sitting position, when you feel tired of your work.
Your work may be just standing, sitting, mental labor, physical labor, it doesn’t matter, both of repitition of same movement or fixation of a posture make particular muscles tired.
SEITAI exrecise works on that muscles exactly.


General direction for SEITAI exercises 1

[When? Where? How much often? How many times?]

In the beginning of treatment, your exercises are to relax rigid muscles around problematic area (not very refined).
Then, whenever, however, you can do them, as much as you feel good. Please remind that the point is PLEASURE.
 SEITAI exercises is not training of strengthen partial muscles, nor torture.
Don’t think you must do until you feel very tired.
Don’t count the number, pay attention to movement and feeling of the body.
Typical misunderstanding about doing exercise is that muscles must be exhausted, you must feel hard, painful, you must force beyond limit of mobility of joints, elasticity of muscles. More doing, more effective, even though you get too tired.
I think that this disciplined mind - enduring penance is virtue - is cause of not listening your body’s voice -feeling, pain.
This self torturing often make your sense of the body dull. Then, you may break body’s function by your wrong effort.

There are two kinds of pain and fatigue. One is pleasant, the other is displeased.
You should discriminate comfortable pain from dangerous pain while doing exercise.

Another mistaking to do exercises is doing like an unwilling duty, then it becomes loose like a marionette, you don’t feel any tension. It means that movement is not exact. Your body has a habit not to use that muscle.
If you feel your exercise is very easy, you should do more careful, slowly, not to pass through the point.

It is useful to attend to keep the center line of the body for exact movement.
You may notice difference between right side and left side.
Try to adjust that imbalance, then you feel well instantly.



Doing KATSUGEN UNDO is very simple, has no rule at all. Just let the body surrender to spontanious movement without thinking.

It is similar to yawn, sneezing, scratching head, rub nose or eyes... It looks like free dancing, but it is not even dancing. Often the movement resembles to disablement, actually disabled parts of the body want to be free from rigidity.
It is possible by standing, sitting, lying, as the body wants to be.
You can do it alone, or with a partner, with group.

In the beginning of practice, it may be difficult to start to move.
There are trigger exercises to lead KATSUGEN UNDO.
First one is deep expiring, it release tension of rib cage.
Second is twisting trunk, to make spine be flexible.
Last is unnatural forced breathing to stimulate impulsive movement.
And then closing eyes, imagine to inhale to spine, wait for body’s feeling how to move...
These leading process take only few minutes, and it is not necessary to do, if your body started to move. KATSUGEN UNDO sometimes continues long. You can do until stop.

There are some places to introduce KATSUGEN UNDO and practice with group in Europe.
First it is easier to participate the workshop to learn how to lead KATSUGEN UNDO.
Once you learn trigger exercises, you can practice by yourself alone.
If you practice it continuously, day by day you will feel certain effect.